Having a chat with Alvin Eshelman from the USA 1
Case Studies

Having a chat with Alvin Eshelman from the USA

Lesezeit (Minuten):2

Today we are telling you the story of Mr. Alvin Eshelman who runs a farm, paying great attention to machinery and tires in the USA, more specifically in Pennsylvania, where

Once more, we are travelling around the world, looking for stories from our users. Today, we are going to a traditional and charming place in the USA, more specifically in Pennsylvania, where Mr. Alvin Eshelman runs a farm, paying great attention to machinery and tires.

Nowadays, in agriculture we are used to thinking big: immense plots of land, sophisticate equipment and cutting-edge technology. In this context, however, you can easily forget the more traditional realities: like small farms that, despite their limited dimensions, are highly organized and need the best machinery to operate. A classic example of all this is Mr. Alvin Eshelman’s farm with 80 dairy cows and 100 acres of farming land.

We grow medicinal herbs, corn, wheat, oat, and soy over a small hilly region,” Mr. Eshelman says. “Here, with all these narrow and winding roads, you need the best equipment, but mostly tires that are able to guarantee optimum performance.”

If operating on types of land like those described by Alvin Eshelman, tires must provide excellent traction and lateral stability, in order to move safely. As a replacement for his tires, Mr. Eshelman chose Agrimax RT 657, and was indeed highly satisfied with it. Here his comments: “Agrimax RT 657 is a great tire, apt for working at very low pressures and offering excellent flotation properties. That has actually been a very good choice for our productivity! This tire’s technical features are phenomenal.”

What about you? Have you already tried it on your fields? Post us your opinion. We might come and visit you, for our next interview!

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