BKT scores twice at the 2017 TIA OTR Conference 1
Events & Exhibitions

BKT scores twice at the 2017 TIA OTR Conference

Tiempo de lectura (minutos):2

At the upcoming OTR TIA Conference we will present our advice for Tire Optimizing Maintenance to reduce equipment downtime and get a longer tire life.

Dear friends, welcome back again; this blog is for all those who love tires as much as we do. That is why we have decided to score twice at the upcoming 2017 OTR TIA Conference, which will be held in Oahu, Hawaii – a beautiful place, by the way. Still in the dark? Don’t worry, we’ll explain!

At the Tire Industry Association’s (TIA) 2017 OTR Conference Rocky Bleier will be the motivational speaker and we at BKT are proud to sponsor his address. His message will resonate with everyone as he explains how ordinary people can become great achievers or legendary football players in America. An injured veteran from the Vietnam War, he had his ups and downs on the football field; but not being one to let life get him down his indomitable spirit propelled him to four Super Bowls victories with the Pittsburg Steelers.

As we said at the beginning: BKT scores twice at the TIA, so now here comes BKT’s own Ron Tatlock onto the field; Ron is BKT USA’s Training & Engineering Manager! He will present to all the experienced industry veterans a topic dear to our hearts: Tire Optimizing Maintenance, or TOM. Of course, we all know the benefits a sound OTR tire maintenance program will bring, such as reduced equipment downtime and longer tire life. TOM gives us a thorough overview of the main aspects to keep in mind.

  1. 1. Proper tire selection: Carefully choose your tire considering all elements that may influence the job. Consider site and operating conditions. Are they steady or do they change? What about weather and climate? Remember, all these factors influence tire performance. Ask your servicing dealer for best advice.
  2. Inflation pressure: TOM starts with the basic definition of “cold inflation pressure” that you find mentioned in the reference books and works its way up to more complex subjects; e.g. how do we make tire pressure adjustments for different ambient temperature conditions.
  3. Fleet checks: Regular pressure checks of your entire fleet are a must.
  4. Recording and tracking: Whatever happens to your tire must be recorded. This starts with inflation data, measured tread depths, cuts and injuries. Take photographs of your tire to keep track of wear and don´t forget the importance of tire rotation. Keep an eye on changing site conditions such as road elevations, angles as well as tire conditions such as overheating etc.
  5. Training: theoretical and practical training on site-maintenance techniques and best practices are essential, especially in the mining business.
  6. People: Tire dealers and experts should have well-trained and experienced staff members focusing on safe work practices as recommended by OSHA, MSHA, TIA, RMA and TRAC.
  7. Tire industry organizations: cooperation between tire suppliers and industry organizations for assisting and educating the customer when it comes to tire, site and equipment maintenance specifications is important. Don’t forget to talk to your supplier about trialing the latest technological tools to improve productivity.

In a nutshell, TOM will give you valuable insights into a comprehensive OTR tire maintenance program, so that you get the most out of your purchases.

If you are interested in this topic, drop by at the 2017 TIA OTR Conference. Find out more about OTR tires at the BKT website.

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