
Soil Compaction: how to avoid it

Tempo de leitura (minutos):2

Soil compaction is a serious issue for many farmers, but with the right tire and technology you can get best performances and efficiency and great respect for the land.

Today let’s talk about soil compaction! A serious issue for many farmers as compacted soil has adverse effects on yields. Heavy equipment can cause damages to the soil structure reducing the ability to hold and conduct water, oxygen and nutritional substances that are essential for the growth of the crops.

Causes, concern and…

Nowadays, farm tractors and machinery are becoming heavier and larger, and so does farmers’ concern about soil compaction. The strong pressure exerted on the land by heavy machinery leads to the compression of soil particles, damaging the soil structure and reducing its porosity, preventing water and air from being absorbed by the roots. So, we are talking about an increasingly common event, due to the intensification of soil operations and the use of heavy machinery.

Moreover, the type of soil and its characteristics may have an impact on the soil. Which types of soil are more exposed to this risk?

  • Soil with a low content of organic substances;
  • Clay soil;
  • Sandy soil;
  • Wet soil;
  • Intensely tilled soil;
  • Another factor is the trend towards row crops.

In all these conditions, soil resistance increases and plant roots must exert more pressure to get through, struggling to absorb nutrients, and thus to grow. But don’t despair - there’s always a solution!

…IF Technology and BKT products

How can we avoid soil compaction, then? BKT knows well what these concerns and farmers’ actual needs: resistant, performance tires with high load capacity, that however don’t damage the soil. That is why BKT has made a lot of efforts in designing and testing their own concept of IF Technology, which allows to carry heavier loads at low pressure, showing great respect for the land. This way, a tire can be inflated at a lower pressure, improving traction performance and obtaining a considerably greater contact area, which contributes to not compacting the soil. Less soil compaction means more soil protection.

An excellent example is Agrimax Force. Even high-power tractors equipped with Agrimax Force can work at low inflation pressure avoiding the problem of soil compaction, and ensuring at the same time both top performance and efficiency.

Come and visit our website to find out about BKT technologies and products making the most of your land!

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